
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Schrödinger's Christmas Tree

 Sorry guys. I have had migraines for days... the sort that makes you unable to think of your own name when asked. Apparently, the polar vortex hit and my brain was having none of it. Despite that, I managed to finish writing the two new chapters I needed to replace this week and, wonderfully, I got another order from Fiverr. I'm happy to say that was before the migraine hit (thank the gods I hadn't decided to put it off for a day) and now I have another satisfied customer. So even if the last few days have been kicking my ass, I can call this week a win still. 

However, my brain has gotten silly what with it either hurting to the point of making me dizzy or a pressure build-up making me feel like my brain is soft and slowly turning to goo. How does this come out in my day to day life? 

Well, this time it happened when I looked at the remains of our Christmas tree. I took off all of the ornaments earlier this week, but we haven't taken it down and boxed it up yet. Today, I have decided that it is a Schrodinger's Christmas Tree. It exists as both a Christmas tree and not until it is either redecorated or it is boxed up and put away. 

So, do you have a Schrodinger's tree up in your house? Let me know.

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